Age Gays

Articles: Guest Speakers

Each police command area in New South Sales is divided in ways that make sense to administrators, not people who’ve just been bashed or trashed. City East, for example, is divided into several areas of which Surry Hills is one and Kings Cross another.

You should find out which one applies to your home address, your local pub and your favourite cruise zone. Why? Because then you can find out who’s your local gay and lesbian liaison officer and call them promptly if you need to. You bypass the Police switchboard, you get through to someone who’s attuned to gay lifestyles and problems. (But who is not necessarily one of the family.)

If you don’t do that, try to remember in an emergency that The Police are listed in the phone book in the second volume as NSW Police Service. Simpler, use Call Connect on your mobile.

Sgt O’Neill and his colleague, Officer Rachel Bevan, are two of the group of GLLOs at Surry Hills. Their commander is Superintendent Gary Hodson. Matt’s phone number is listed, so is Rachel’s.

The easiest source of this information – and it’s anonymous – is the Police section of the NSW Government web site. Remember, you don’t have to own a computer or spend money to get this information. Every public library has free computer resources and staff trained to help.

Sgt O’Neill’s certainly a nice bloke, the sort of person you trust. It was great to have him along.